In 1992, a doctor from the psychiatric institute of Jakes situated in the front line of the Bosnian war rescued a busful of patients who finally found refuge in a Hungarian refugee camp. The war ended in 1995, but for long years, these patients waited in vain to be able to return to their home country; the world forgot about them, and their case got lost in the labyrinth of bureaucracy. Fourteen years after the end of the war, when they no more believed that this moment would ever come, they were still offered an opportunity to leave for home. The travel from Debrecen to Bosnia.
Director: Gábor Péter Németh
Dir. of Photography: Zoltán Lovasi, Zsolt Tóth
Music: Szabolcs Szõke
Producer: Balázs Wizner
Length: 33 min
Year of Production: 2010